Repurposing A Repuposed TV Console

Here is our Week #1 project from One Month to Win It!
The Theme was: Preserving a Memory
My Grandmother had all of these awesome old pics,
but she had no idea WHO they were
 except that they were our ancestors. 
I didn't want them to end up in the trash.
 I knew that I wanted to use them and preserve them in some way. 

I was out at a garage sale and found this already repurposed cabinet. 
The man at the sale kept telling me he made it. 
I thought he was crazy until I realized that it used to be an
old TV console with the tv removed and shortened.  It was only $3. 
He was so proud of it, I don't think he really wanted to sale it. 
It had a lip on the top of it so I knew that it would be perfect for the project.

This is probably what the cabinet originally looked like.

Here is where the original cabinet was shortened.

I removed the speakers and replaced with some wood panels.
I then painted the entire cabinet black. 
 I gathered all the pictures and began putting them into place.

After all the pictured were glued down and in place
I poured a on box of 
  Pour-On Epoxy Finish Is Equal To 60 Coats Of Varnish And Provides A Gorgeous High Gloss Appearance  to the top to protect and seal all of my pictures.  This stuff is awesome.  Its like shiny liquid glass!

This shot really shows off the thick SUPER glossy finish!
I put a basket in the empty space.

I will now have a one of a kind family heirloom
covered with my ancestors preserving thier memory. 
It is so cool to look at all of them and
think that they are my relation some how.


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  2. I LOVE it!!!:) Great idea, and thanks for sharing:)

  3. Oh I love this, what a great idea to preserve your ansestors pictures!!

  4. Wow...I can't even believe that you started with an old TV console, truly amazing!

  5. that is so very cool,, I would've been so scared the glaze would've ruined the pictures,, but it turned out great. I love the way he shortened the tv cabinet. Very creative.

  6. That is a very cool idea! The epoxy looks great and very professionally done!

    I love family photos and pieces so you have an all in 1! Beautiful.

    Popping over from House of Hepworths!

  7. What a wonderful transformation! Love the pics!

    Warm Wishes,

  8. Wow..I absolutely LOVE what you did here...never seen that epoxy stuff here in NZ..wonder do you know if you can buy it online? I'd love some...oh I'd really love to try something like this. Thanks for the inpsiration! And thanks to Donna at FJI for posting your pic and directing me to your blog :)
    thanks for sharing your're amazing!
    from Jessie, nelson, nz

  9. Great Idea. What a transformation.

  10. awesome project!!

    barbara jean

  11. Found you from FJI's SNS feature - following you now! I love the idea of using the old photos - I have a bunch and will try this - love the glaze. Will have to track that down here.

    Jill @ JunkyVagabond

  12. This is such a neat idea! I have a T.V. stand that I need to spruce up a bit... this would be great! Just have to dig out some old photos!

  13. What a great idea! Sharing it on our blog:

  14. This is so freaking AWESOME! I am so doing this! Bummer part is that I am too busy until next week...I will send pictures when done!

  15. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!!! Beautiful...

  16. So cute! Love the transformation and the accessories look great! Love the little chair, hah.

  17. great redo. love what you did with it.

  18. Hi, friends! I'm admiring all your creative posts here so can you please share them with us at the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop? Hope to see you there at the party :)

  19. That is so very clever! It looks so beautiful! You did an awesome job!

  20. wow! i am amazed at how that transformed. i just lack an eye for a vision like that. i can not see past the furniture that i do not like....

    what a great job!

  21. OMG I love that cabinet remake! The idea of putting all the pictures on top and sealing with the superglaze is fantastic!

  22. I love it and believe I'm going to do something like it. It reminds me of an old desk my grandmother had she had all kinds of old pictures on it under a piece of glass. I loved sitting and looking at all the pictures wondering how they were related to me.

  23. I just linked to this great project on my blog:! Thanks for sharing

  24. Wow I've been looking for more ideas for old consoles!

  25. I think this is SO AWESOME, but IF it was mine, I would put pictures on the front as well, as there are frames already there, but each to their own, of course. But sometimes I have a tendency to over due, blushing, wink... Wonderful work & thank you for caring & sharing... "Brightest blessings always"...

  26. How long has it been since you finished this? I ask because I am wondering if your photographs have started fading. My dad did this on a coffee table about 36 years ago and found that the photographs started fading after a while. He found out this happens when you don't mix a little Elmer's glue in with the epoxy. So I'm wondering if you still need to do this or if the particular brand of epoxy you used doesn't warrant this.

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